Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Clearing House: Definition, Functions, Importance, Example

Whenever we go to the market to buy or sell something, there is always an entity that brings the buyer and the seller together and completes the transaction between them. This entity is called a clearing house. In the financial market, these types of organizations are very important because they provide the necessary infrastructure and services to allow financial institutions to interact with each other and carry out transactions.

In this article, we will take a closer look at clearing houses, their functions, and their importance in the financial market. So if you are interested in learning more about Clearing House, then please read on.

Definition of Clearing House

A clearing house is an organization that helps to match buyers and sellers with different types of financial products. The Clearing House is an agency or separate corporation of a futures exchange. This agency is responsible for settling trading accounts, clearing trades, collecting and maintaining margin monies, regulating delivery, and reporting trading data. It makes sure that the buyer and the seller both follow through with what they have agreed to in the contract.

In simple terms, a clearing house is an organization that acts as a middleman between two parties in a financial transaction. It ensures that the transaction is completed smoothly and efficiently by providing the necessary infrastructure and services.

Functions of Clearing House

The main function of a clearing house is to provide the necessary infrastructure and services to allow financial institutions to interact with each other and carry out transactions. In addition, clearing houses also provide other important services such as:

  1. Collecting and maintaining margin money

When two parties enter into a transaction, they must first deposit a certain amount of money with the clearing house as collateral. This is known as margin money. The clearing house collects and holds this margin money until the transaction is completed. This process keeps the market stable and protects both parties from losses if one party fails to honor its obligations.

  1. Regulating delivery

The clearing house also regulates the delivery of securities and other assets involved in a transaction. For example, if two parties have agreed to trade shares of stock, the clearing house will make sure that the correct number of shares is delivered from one party to the other.

  1. Reporting trading data

Trading data is one of the most important functions of a clearing house. This data is used by market participants to make informed decisions about where to invest their money. The clearing house collects data on all trades that take place within its system and makes this data available to its members.

  1. Guaranteeing trades

In some cases, the clearing house may guarantee that a trade will be completed even if one of the parties involved fails to honor its obligations. This type of guarantee is known as a "clearing guarantee." Clearing guarantees are typically used in high-value transactions where there is a risk that one party may not be able to meet its obligations.

Importance of Clearing House

Clearing houses play an important role in the financial market by providing the necessary infrastructure and services to allow financial institutions to interact with each other and carry out transactions.

In addition, clearing houses also provide other important services such as collecting and maintaining margin money, regulating delivery, reporting trading data, and guaranteeing trades. These services help to make the financial market more efficient and stable. Clearing houses are important because they help to reduce risk in the financial market.


So there you have it. In this article, we have provided you with a definition of a clearing house as well as its functions and importance. We hope that this article has helped provide you with a better understanding of this important financial institution. Thank you for reading.

Originally Published Here: Clearing House: Definition, Functions, Importance, Example

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